10 Schizoid Personality Disorder Symptoms

By priscilla
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Triebwasser, Joseph et al. 'Schizoid personality disorder.' _Journal of personality disorders_ vol. 26,6 (2012): 919-2 6: doi:10.1521/pedi.2012.26.6.919
  • 2. Ekselius, Lisa. 'Personality disorder: a disease in disguise.' _Upsala journal of medical sciences_ vol. 123,4 (2018): 194-20 4: doi:10.1080/03009734.2018.1526235
  • 3. Twenge, Jean M et al. 'Declines in Sexual Frequency among American Adults, 1989-2014.' _Archives of sexual behavior_ vol. 46,8 (2017): 2389-240 1: doi:10.1007/s10508-017-0953-1
  • 4. Rosell, Daniel R et al. 'Schizotypal personality disorder: a current review.' _Current psychiatry reports_ vol. 16,7 (2014): 45 2: doi:10.1007/s11920-014-0452-1
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6. Appears Indifferent to Praise and Criticism

For most people, it’s rewarding to feel appreciated and discouraging to feel criticized. Even the smallest compliments can improve our mood or motivate us to do well. For someone with schizoid personality disorder, praise can be meaningless.

If you praise somebody with schizoid personality disorder, they are unlikely to react in the way you might expect or react at all. Likewise, criticizing someone with schizoid personality disorder may appear to have little impact on them. They seem to be indifferent to praise and criticism.

Schizoid Personality Disorder

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