10 Piriformis Syndrome Symptoms

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #7: Abdominal, Inguinal, and Pelvic Pain

Abdominal pain or a stomach ache are commonly associated with various serious and non-serious issues. The abdomen is divided into 9 regions: the right hypochondriac, epigastric, left hypochondriac, left lumbar, umbilical, right lumbar, right iliac, hypogastric, and the left iliac.

Inguinal pain refers to pain in the groin usually caused by ligament, muscle or tendon issues. In piriformis syndrome, pain can be felt in the abdominal, inguinal, or pelvis. Spasm of the piriformis muscle can cause stress on the sacrotuberous ligament resulting in compression of the pudendal nerves or stress on the innominate bones leading to pelvic and groin pain.

Piriformis Syndrome

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