Intertrigo Symptoms, Causes & More

By priscilla
Reviewed: dr. stavarache
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Metin, Ahmet, et al. 'Recurrent Candidal Intertrigo: Challenges and Solutions.' Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, Dove Medical Press, 17 Apr. 2018,
  • 2. MP;, Boehncke WH;Schön. 'Psoriasis.' Lancet (London, England), U.S. National Library of Medicine,
  • 3. A;, Janniger CK;Schwartz RA;Szepietowski JC;Reich. 'Intertrigo and Common Secondary Skin Infections.' American Family Physician, U.S. National Library of Medicine,
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7. Complications

Various microorganisms can complicate intertrigo, so they need to be removed to improve the condition.3A;, Janniger CK;Schwartz RA;Szepietowski JC;Reich. ‘Intertrigo and Common Secondary Skin Infections.’ American Family Physician, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Intertriginous zones are susceptible to fungal infections, so a person with intertrigo must undergo the appropriate tests, such as the microscopic analysis of skin scrapings, to rule out the possibility of a fungal infection.

Many skin diseases have symptoms similar to intertrigo but require distinct treatment. When the condition proves unresponsive to initial treatment, further diagnosis is required to identify other treatment options.


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