How To Unclog Your Ears

By jackie
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Ear - Blocked At High Altitudes: Medlineplus Medical Encyclopedia.'
  • 2. 'The Valsalva Manoeuvre and Antonio Valsalva (1666-1723).' E Jellinek.
  • 3. 'A Comparative Study on Efficiency Of Middle Ear Pressure Equalization Techniques in Healthy Volunteers.' Hidir B.
  • 4. 'Extent Of Cotton-bud Use in Ears.' Sidhartha Nagala; Pranay Singh; Philippa Tostevin.
Medical Expert Medical Expert

10. Be Gentle

The ears are a delicate part of the body and need to be treated carefully. Whichever technique is used to unclog them, it should always be performed gently. Avoid sticking cotton swabs into the ear, as they could cause damage or push wax further into the ear.4‘Extent Of Cotton-bud Use in Ears.’ Sidhartha Nagala; Pranay Singh; Philippa Tostevin.

Home treatments should help to clear the ears of any blockage. However, if the problem persists, worsens and additional symptoms present themselves, such as hearing loss, swelling, pain or a fever, it's important to seek medical advice.


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