10 Home Remedies For Laryngitis
Home Remedy #7: Humidifier
Dry air that is filled with dust is one of the most common causes of inflammation of the larynx. It may also make the condition worse especially during the cold weather. Besides, during the cold seasons, you are likely to use a heating unit to keep your home or office warm. These units pump dry, warm heat into closed rooms which is a sure way of developing laryngitis, sore throat, and flu. It’s no wonder that these conditions are so common during winter.
To get rid of these conditions or prevent them from affecting you, it is necessary to keep your throat moist. You can achieve this by sipping on water throughout the day and night. But because this is not practical, a cool mist humidifier or vaporizer can help you out. These types of equipment add moisture to the air so that it doesn’t irritate your throat.