10 Home Remedies For Kidney Stones

By albert
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Kidney stones form when salts such as calcium oxalate conglomerate into crystals within the kidneys. These crystals can continue to grow in size into hardened solids otherwise called kidney stones or calculi. The process of stone formation is called urolithiasis.

The stones are thought to occur mainly due to poor hydration, which causes the salt particles to stick together and form kidney stones. While these solid masses are referred to as kidney stones, they can also form in other parts of the urinary tract including the bladder and the urethra.

In the United States, about 12 percent of men and 5 percent of women get kidney stones at some point in their lives. Kidney stones can be very painful. Below are 10 home remedies for kidney stones.

Kidney Stones

Home Remedy #1: Drink Lots of Water

Making sure that you take adequate amount of water is the first step toward preventing or treating kidney stones. Water is the medium in which most body chemicals, including those that form kidney stones, are carried. This means that having enough water in the body ensures that chemical substances are in a dilute enough state to circulate in the body, and where necessary to be filtered out in the kidneys for excretion. This in turn reduces the chances of the substances precipitating and crystallizing in the kidneys or elsewhere.

Therefore, if you have kidney stones, or would like to prevent them from forming, keep your body well hydrated by observing the recommended intake of at least 8 glasses of water daily. Take more water during hot weather or when faced by conditions that cause excessive water loss.

Kidney Stones

Home Remedy #2: Lemons

Incorporating lemons into your regular diet is another natural approach in fighting off incidences of kidney stones. Lemons belong to the citrus class of fruits, which are rich in citric acid. A salt of this acid, known as citrate, combines with calcium in the body and thus reduces the amount of calcium that is excreted via the kidneys. This in turn lowers the chances of formation of calcium oxalate crystals—the commonest type of kidney stones.

Taking half a glass of lemon concentrate diluted in water, or juice from two lemons, is adequate arsenal in the fight against kidney stones.

Kidney Stones

Home Remedy #3: Increase Magnesium Intake

Magnesium is a mineral element that shares chemical properties and characteristics with calcium. Although less well known to many, magnesium plays many vital roles in the body. Its cellular functions include generation of energy and muscle contraction, besides working as a cofactor in hundreds of other functions. One of the ways in which magnesium helps lower kidney stone formation is by lowering the amounts of urinary oxalate.

Studies show that magnesium reduces the absorption of oxalate by the intestines, thereby lowering the blood concentration of the substance. Some good sources of magnesium include legumes and avocado. Best outcomes are achieved when these foods are taken together with oxalate-rich foods or within short time intervals.

Kidney Stones

Home Remedy #4: Increase Calcium Intake

Since most kidney stones are composed of calcium oxalate, you might think that reducing calcium intake should be the correct approach in preventing the condition, right? But the opposite is true. Calcium in the diet binds to dietary oxalate and, therefore, decreases the absorption of oxalates. This reduces the amount of circulating oxalate in the blood and hence the amount of oxalate that reaches the kidneys.

This ultimately lowers the risk of oxalate kidney stone formation. Some rich sources of dietary calcium include milk, cheese, and yoghurt. For better results, take these alongside, or shortly after, taking food rich in oxalates.

Kidney Stones

Home Remedy #5: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy with the potential to prevent and combat kidney stones in addition to other health issues. It is believed that chemicals in apple cider vinegar help to soften kidney stones, allowing for their breakdown and even dissolution of the kidney stones. This can help relieve pain because it is easier for the dislodged stone to pass through the kidney and out to the bladder.

Apple cider vinegar has other benefits that include countering the inflammation caused by the kidney stones. To use apple cider vinegar as a home remedy for kidney stones, dissolve two tablespoons of the vinegar in a glass of water and drink once or twice daily.

Kidney Stones

Home Remedy #6: Pomegranate Juice

The pomegranate fruit has a long history of use in the maintenance of healthy kidneys and other related issues. The fruit is rich in chemicals that have powerful antioxidant properties. This means that pomegranate juice can help prevent formation of reactive chemical substances that can damage your body cells, tissues, and organs. These same properties are probably the reason why pomegranate juice works in the prevention of kidney stones. Moreover, pomegranate juice has also been found to help lower the acidity levels of the kidneys. This serves a protective role against future incidences of kidney stone formation.

To use pomegranate juice for kidney stones, drink one glass of fresh juice once every day. Alternatively, eat one pomegranate fruit daily. You may also mix it with yogurt or other beverages.

Kidney Stones

Home Remedy #7: Reduce Vitamin C Intake

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, occurs naturally in many fruits such as lemons and oranges. Although healthy when consumed in regular amounts, excessive intake of vitamin C, such as heavy vitamin C supplementation, can be a risk factor for the development of kidney stones. Besides, once in the body, vitamin C is converted into oxalate, which leads to a general increase in concentration of the substance in the blood.

The consequence is elevated oxalate concentration in the kidneys, which is associated with increased risk of kidney stone formation. Since natural sources of vitamin C are not associated with this risk, it is a good habit to obtain much of your vitamin C from your diet.

Kidney Stones

Home Remedy #8: Cut Back on Oxalate-Rich Foods

As mentioned elsewhere, most kidney stones are salts of the chemical oxalate. Once absorbed in the intestines, oxalate is transported in blood for removal, as with many other substances, by filtration in the kidneys. Higher concentrations of oxalate in food and, therefore, in the body, lead to increased amounts of oxalate in the kidneys. This increases the risk of precipitation and kidney stone formation.

This logic provides the basis for the recommendation to cut down on the amounts of oxalate-rich foods. However, this needs to be done carefully since most of the oxalate-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables and some fruits are also important sources of numerous vital nutrients.

Kidney Stones

Home Remedy #9: Reduce Animal Protein Intake

If you are prone to suffering from kidney stones, eating a lot of animal protein is unadvisable. First, these foods increase the amount of calcium excreted via the kidney, thereby increasing the risk of precipitation. Second, animal proteins such as meat, fish, and dairy products are rich sources of chemicals known as purines. Purines are broken down into uric acid, which does not dissolve readily in the blood.

Raising levels of uric acid as a result of high animal protein intake can lead to formation of uric acid crystals. Plant proteins are relatively low in purines and are a suitable alternative for those with the risk of kidney stone formation.

Kidney Stones

Home Remedy #10: Reduce Sodium Intake

Are you in the habit of adding salt to food, sometimes too much of it? That could be a trigger for future encounters with kidney stones. Table salt is a compound of sodium and chloride. Sodium increases the excretion of calcium through the kidneys. The resultant high calcium concentrations in the kidneys increase the chances of precipitation and formation of calcium-containing kidney stones.

To watch your salt intake, get in the habit of eating healthy foods and limit consumption of processed or packaged foods, which often have high salt content.

Kidney Stones

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