10 Home Remedies For Itchy Skin

By albert
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Home Remedy #5: Basil

Basil with its attractive odor is another great herb used for relieving skin itchiness. It leaves your skin fresh and boosts your mood significantly. Dried basil leaves are added to boiling water and the mixture covered for a while until it cools down. You can then apply it to the affected skin areas using a ball of cotton or a piece of cloth. Any of the remaining mixture can be used later. Repeat the application until your skin itch is relieved.

Some people rub dried basil leaves directly on their skin and then wash it off with water. Eugenol, a potent essential oil, is the main compound in basil. Basil also contains thymol, camphor, and other compounds known for their powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Itchy Skin

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