Gallbladder Sludge Symptoms, Causes & More

By sandy
Reviewed: dr. stavarache
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Villines, Zawn. 'Gallbladder Sludge: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments.' Medical and Health Information,
  • 2. Jain, Rajeev. 'Biliary Sludge: When Should It Not be Ignored?.' Current treatment options in gastroenterology vol. 7,2 (2004): 105-109. doi:10.1007/s11938-004-0031-3
  • 3. Lindenmeyer, Christina. 'Gallstones - Liver and Gallbladder Disorders - Merck Manuals Consumer Version.' Merck Manuals Consumer Version,
  • 4. 'Harvard Health Publishing. 'What to Do About Gallstones.' Harvard Health, 17 June 2020,
  • 5. Weiss, Robin E. 'How Gallstones Are Treated During Pregnancy.' Verywell Family,
  • 6. Gotter, Ana. 'Gallbladder Sludge: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment.' Healthline, [](
  • 7. 'Koch, Angelika M. 'What is Gallbladder Sludge? Symptoms & Diet Treatment.' Holistic Medicine & Integrative Medicine Wellness Plans,
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Responses

It is possible to have gallbladder sludge without showing any symptoms. When this is the case, the condition can be easily managed.

When symptoms such as pain are present, medical intervention might be needed. Pancreatitis may need to be managed with medical therapy. As a preventative measure, an endoscopic sphincterotomy may be recommended. Surgical methods can remove the sludge buildup, depending on whether the person can tolerate the operation.2Jain, Rajeev. ‘Biliary Sludge: When Should It Not be Ignored?.’ Current treatment options in gastroenterology vol. 7,2 (2004): 105-109. doi:10.1007/s11938-004-0031-3


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