Examples of Narcissistic Behavior

By amara
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8. Causes of Narcissism

As with a majority of psychiatric and psychological conditions, the actual cause of narcissistic personality disorder is largely unknown. Experts believe that the disorder is likely the result of a number of different factors. Genetics is usually a big cause of psychological disorders, with parents passing down specific conditions to children. Still, there are many experts who believe that environment can have a big impact on narcissism. Children with low self-esteem who are provided false encouragement may develop this disorder if the right conditions are met throughout the child’s development.

A person’s own brain chemistry is another cause of narcissism. Professionals believe that even someone without any family history of psychological disorders can develop this condition. It all comes down to a person’s unique way of thinking, how he or she copes with stress, and the connection between common behaviors and thinking patterns.


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