Examples of Narcissistic Behavior

By amara
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7. Mean and Threatening Behavior

Though narcissists might come across as egotistical, it is a false sense of confidence that drives them. When a person with this disorder meets a truly confident person, it can lead to serious tension and problematic scenarios. A person who is naturally popular might be perceived as a threat by the narcissist. In turn, this can lead to the narcissist lashing out and bullying the person. Contempt is a powerful driving force of the narcissist and it can cause all sorts of serious issues and altercations with friends and strangers.

The tone of a person with narcissistic personality disorder is usually dismissive and patronizing. When he or she feels threatened, however, the speech can become far more threatening and personal. In an attempt to boost his or her own ego, narcissists might stoop to seriously low levels in order to feel superior to another person.


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