10 Enlarged Spleen Symptoms

By dr. mera
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6. Weight Loss

Weight loss is not always something to be worried about, especially if it happens progressively and if it is associated with a healthy change in either food consumption or exercise activity. The problem comes when the weight loss happens unintendedly and/or over a short period. Many conditions are known to cause weight loss, especially if the patient is losing fluids through vomiting or diarrhea. It is important to know that drastic and unintended changes in weight, such as losing over 10 kilograms in less than 6 months can be a sign of a serious medical condition.

For patients with splenomegaly, weight loss can be a result of the associated decreased appetite due to stomach compression. On the other hand, if the weight loss is too drastic, other conditions like leukemia and lymphoma should be ruled out immediately by a health care professional.

Enlarged Spleen

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