10 Causes of Dysphagia

By jolene
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Cause #9: Gastroesophageal Reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux is a condition where the contents of the stomach (i.e. acid) backflow into the esophagus causing symptoms such as halitosis (foul breath), chest pain, heartburn, vomiting, bad taste in the back of the mouth, degeneration of teeth enamel, and dry cough. Chronic reflux leads to complications such as esophageal strictures (scar tissue that causes the narrowing of the esophagus), esophagitis (inflammation of esophageal lining), and Barrett’s esophagus. These complications can cause dysphagia.

Risk factors for this condition are smoking, obesity, pregnancy, hiatal hernia, and side effects of certain medications. Patients with this condition should try to make lifestyle changes and comply with the specific treatment prescribed by their physician.


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