10 Foods That Lower Cholesterol

By nigel
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Cholesterol isn’t all bad. In fact, in many cases, cholesterol is much healthier than people give it credit for. What many fail to realize is that there are different types of cholesterol, and problems only emerge when there is an unhealthy balance between the two types of cholesterol - LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and HDL (high-density lipoprotein).

The main difference between these types of cholesterol is that LDL cholesterol is light, travels quickly, and can adhere to the walls of our arteries and cause problems. HDL cholesterol, on the other hand, is much more solid and, in a sense, can effectively ‘sweep’ LDL cholesterol off the arterial walls.

In this article, we’ll be looking at foods that are effective at helping you lower levels of the unhealthy LDL cholesterol while increasing or balancing out levels of the much healthier HDL cholesterol.

Lower Cholesterol

Foods That Lower Cholesterol #1: Oats

Don’t worry - if you’re not a big fan of oatmeal, then there are plenty of other ways that you can prepare oats (plus, if you’re not a fan of oatmeal, chances are you just need a better recipe.)

Oats are one of the most popular foods for reducing cholesterol, partially because of the large amount of fiber present in them. You need soluble fiber to bind to cholesterol in your body before it makes it into your bloodstream.

Lower Cholesterol

Foods That Lower Cholesterol #2: Whole grains

Whole grains, including barley and oat bran, are great for helping to reduce cholesterol. They are particularly useful for helping us minimize the chance of heart disease.

This is because whole grains, like oats, provide us with a large amount of soluble fiber that we need to help eliminate cholesterol from our bodies. Whole grains can be sprouted and soaked to increase their nutritional value.

Lower Cholesterol

Foods That Lower Cholesterol #3: Beans

Beans are closely associated with whole grains and legumes, which are all great for helping you manage your levels of cholesterol. Beans are loaded with soluble fiber, and they contain so much that they can even help you lose weight because they help keep you full for longer.

All manner of beans are great for helping you manage your cholesterol. You can use navy beans, garbanzo beans, black eyed peas, and even legumes like lentils. They’re easy to prepare, and they can also be soaked to increase their nutritional value.

Lower Cholesterol

Foods That Lower Cholesterol #4: Eggplant

Eggplants are an undervalued food and a great source of soluble fiber. Eggplants can be prepared quite easily - you can just slice them, oil them, and throw them in the oven. You can also make them into babaganoush and include them into other meals.

Eggplants are also very low calorie, which makes them ideal for people who are watching their calorie count.

Lower Cholesterol

Foods That Lower Cholesterol #5: Nuts

Many studies have proven that nuts are great for helping to lower the amount of LDL cholesterol present in the body. They’re great for the heart and great for the arteries. All you need is a couple ounces of nuts everyday - almonds, walnuts, peanuts, Brazil nuts, and all manner of nuts are great for helping to lower LDL cholesterol.

Nuts are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and they also contain lots of fiber, two nutrients that are great for helping LDL cholesterol.

Lower Cholesterol

Foods That Lower Cholesterol #6: Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are fantastic for helping manage LDL cholesterol.

This is because they’re loaded with pectin, a certain type of soluble fiber that’s particularly effective at minimizing levels of LDL cholesterol.

Lower Cholesterol

Foods That Lower Cholesterol #7: Sterols and stanols

Sterols and stanols are compounds that are extracted from plants. Many manufacturers are including these particular compounds because they’re useful at helping the body metabolize cholesterol. You can look for foods that are fortified with sterols and stanols. They are included in all manner of foods, from margarine (to offset the dangers of the LDL-raising substance) to fruit juice and chocolates.

You can also take sterols and stanols as individual supplements. It’s been suggested that taking 2 grams of sterols or stanols can be effective at reducing LDL cholesterol by as much as 10%.

Lower Cholesterol

Foods That Lower Cholesterol #8: Soy

Soybeans, and related products made from the soybeans such as tofu or soy milk, were once widely regarded as effective methods for fighting LDL cholesterol. They still are powerful cholesterol reducers, but because of some of the stigma associated with soy these days, people are afraid to use soy as a medicinal food.

Studies have revealed that the most effective way to use soy for cholesterol reduction is to use no more than 25 grams of soy protein. That’s about 10 ounces of tofu, or a couple cups of soy milk. Doing this can reduce the levels of LDL by up to 6%.

Lower Cholesterol

Foods That Lower Cholesterol #9: Fatty fish

Fish has been widely acknowledged for its ability to help fight all sorts of illnesses, including limiting levels of cholesterol. Fish has also been shown to be a very healthy alternative to red meats, which have been shown to increase the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body.

Fish contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce levels of triglycerides. In turn, this helps to lower the levels of LDL cholesterol in your body. They’re also great for helping to maintain the strength and rhythm of the heart beat.

Lower Cholesterol

Foods That Lower Cholesterol #10: Fiber supplements

Many of the foods on this list are great at reducing LDL cholesterol because they contain so much fiber in them. It’s a good idea to note that you can just take fiber supplements. They may not provide the same number of nutrients, and they may not be as easily absorbed as other forms of protein.

For example, psyllium husk is one of the best protein supplements. Since this is just a natural source of protein and not a prepackaged supplement, it’s incredibly good for you. It can help eliminate cholesterol as well as making sure that you stay regular. Psyllium husk should be taken by anyone who doesn’t eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Lower Cholesterol

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