10 Vertigo Causes

By nigel
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Cause of Vertigo #3: Excessive Time In Bed

Unfortunately for people who like to spend hours in bed when they’re not sleeping, or for people who oversleep, vertigo can occur when you spend too much time in bed. This only tends to occur with chronic oversleeping, so if you catch a few extra hours one morning, you probably won’t experience vertigo.

However, for people who are bedridden, depressed, or who just like lying around all day, vertigo may become a consistent problem in their lives. This is because the ear canal, which is responsible for your balance, adjusts to the angle that you’re at when you’re lying down. When you stand up, it can take a while for it to readjust, which can cause vertigo.

This type of vertigo only occurs for a short time and will stop happening if you get up and are more active.


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