10 Causes of Skin Rashes

By iliriana
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Cause #10: Roseola

Roseola, or as it is otherwise known as the sixth disease, is a viral infection most common among children under the age of 2. Adults are not affected by roseola. Signs and symptoms include high fever, a runny nose, and a sore throat. Once the fever ends, the skin rash becomes noticeable. The skin rash in roseola usually starts on the torso before spreading to other body parts, like on the arms, legs, neck, and face. Roseola rash appears as small pink spots, which can be either raised or flat. Some spots may even have a lighter ring or halo around them.

Roseola is not a serious condition and it usually resolves within a week. However, roseola is a contagious viral infection caused by herpes virus 6 or herpes virus 7 that is spread through infected respiratory secretions. Infants and children usually get it from other children in daycare centers.

Skin Rash

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