Carbuncle Symptoms, Causes & More

By vanessa
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Carbuncle: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia.' MedlinePlus,
  • 2. 'Boils and carbuncles.' Mayo Clinic, [](
  • 3. Folliculitis, Boils and Carbuncles.' Loma Linda University Health,
  • 4. 'Furuncles and Carbuncles - Dermatologic Disorders.' Merck Manuals Professional Edition,
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Contracting Carbuncles

Carbuncles can contaminate other parts of the body and spread to other people. To prevent cross-infection, hands should be washed constantly, especially after touching the affected area.

Face cloths and towels should not be shared and bed linens should be frequently laundered at high temperatures. Wounds should also be very well covered with a sterile dressing until they have healed and these dressings should then be carefully disposed of once the wound is no longer infectious.


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