Baby Heat Rash Symptoms, Causes & More

By mame
Reviewed: dr. stavarache
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Heat Rash.' Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 3 Mar. 2020,
  • 2. 'Heat Rash.' Seattle Children's Hospital,
  • 3. 'When Your Child Has Heat Rash (Prickly Heat).' UC San Diego Health,,89381
  • 4. 'Heat Rash.', 15 Dec. 2020,
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Baby Heat Rash Caused From Ointment

Although babies usually get heat rashes during the hot seasons, they can also get them in the winter from ointments put on their skin.2‘Heat Rash.’ Seattle Children’s Hospital, Ointments in their hair can block the sweat glands on their forehead, leading to heat rash.

A breastfed baby may develop heat rash on their face if their mother uses lanolin on their nipples to help with painful cracking. Some babies may develop heat rash on their chest from menthol ointments applied for coughs.

Heat Rash

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