10 Adenovirus Symptoms

By jolene
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Symptom #4: Sore Throat

Sore throat occurs when there is irritation or pain in the throat. A sore throat can be caused by tonsillitis, pharyngitis, or trauma. It is a very common issue that is seen in acute viral pharyngitis (i.e. adenovirus infection). Adenovirus infection can manifest as acute respiratory disease (ARD), which may cause fever and upper respiratory symptoms (i.e. runny nose and dry cough), including pharyngitis and tonsillitis. It is usually self-limited, with an average duration of 3 to 5 days. Finally, as mentioned above, an adenovirus infection can also manifest as pharyngoconjunctival fever causing a sore throat.

In the United States, there are as many as 2.4 million visits to the emergency department annually due to throat-related complaints. Other causes of sore throat include gastroesophageal reflux disease, infectious mononucleosis, and streptococcal pharyngitis.


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