10 Symptoms of Tonsil Stones

By errol
Reviewed: dr. stavarache
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Tonsil Stones (Tonsillolith): Causes, Symptoms, Removal & Treatment.' Cleveland Clinic, my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21505-tonsil-stones
  • 2. 'Tonsil Stones – Symptoms, Causes and Removal.' Tonsil Stones – Symptoms, Causes and Removal | Allina Health, www.allinahealth.org/healthysetgo/heal/tonsil-stones-symptoms-causes-and-removal
  • 3. Harding, Dr Mary. 'Tonsil Stones (Tonsilloliths): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment.' Patient.info, 13 Sept. 2018, patient.info/ears-nose-throat-mouth/sore-throat-2/tonsillolith-tonsil-stones
  • 4. Bamgbose, Babatunde Olamide, et al. 'The Prevalence of Tonsilloliths and Other Soft Tissue Calcifications in Patients Attending Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Clinic of the University of Iowa.' ISRN Dentistry, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 22 Jan. 2014, [www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3920671/.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3920671/.)
  • 5. 'What Are Tonsil Stones?: Keck Medicine of USC.' Keck Medicine of USC |, 7 Apr. 2020, www.keckmedicine.org/what-are-tonsil-stones/
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Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils. Tonsils become red and inflamed and may develop white or yellow patches on the surface. A tonsil stone can cause tonsillitis if bacteria in any nook or cranny multiply and infect surrounding tissue.1‘Tonsil Stones (Tonsillolith): Causes, Symptoms, Removal & Treatment.’ Cleveland Clinic, my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21505-tonsil-stones

Infection may be limited to just one tonsil, but it usually spreads to both. It's important to remember that tonsillitis may occur for many reasons. An infection can occur without any tonsil stones at all, it's just one possibility.2‘Tonsil Stones – Symptoms, Causes and Removal.’ Tonsil Stones – Symptoms, Causes and Removal | Allina Health, www.allinahealth.org/healthysetgo/heal/tonsil-stones-symptoms-causes-and-removal

Tonsil Stones

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