10 Symptoms of Flu B

By brett
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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6. Coughing and Sneezing

While it may also be the result of a cold, coughing and sneezing can also be a common flu symptom. If coughing is the main symptom you are experiencing, you should consider whether allergies might be the cause. Flu-related coughing often comes hand-in-hand with fever. Though flu B is a likely culprit for a person that has these symptoms, during the 2019-2020 flu season, people should also watch out for COVID-19, another highly-contagious virus that may also come with a fever and cough.

Coughing can be one of the more dangerous symptoms of flu, as it allows the virus to spread quickly between people. When a sick individual coughs, they send tiny droplets of moisture out into the air that can carry the virus to surrounding people. This is why affected people should always cough and sneeze into their elbow or a tissue. Other respiratory issues may also come up during the flu, such as chest pain or shortness of breath.

Flu B

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