10 Symptoms of Flu B

By brett
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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7. Congestion

Along with coughing, a person suffering from flu B may also suffer from congestion. The affected person’s nose may run excessively or become clogged. Typically, this can be treated similarly to the type of congestion that comes with a cold or allergies. It is a good idea to keep tissues on hand and consider other home remedies, such as warm tea, a hot shower, or a vaporizer. Congestion can be a persistent symptom, but it should be more uncomfortable than dangerous on its own.

Since flu B is generally more cold-like than flu A, if a person is suffering more from coughing and congestion, it can be a safe bet that they’ve caught it. However, as was mentioned briefly above, other viruses may also cause respiratory issues. If the symptoms become more serious, the affected person should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Flu B

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