10 FAQs About the Peritoneum

By lizzie
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Peritoneum.' MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 12 April 2021, medlineplus.gov/peritonealdisorders.html
  • 2. Kalra, Arjun, Chase J. Wehrle and Faiz Tuma. 'Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis, Peritoneum.' StatPearls, January 2021, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK534788/
  • 3. 'Peritonitis.' Mayo Clinic, mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/peritonitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20376247?p=1
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What Disorders Can Cause Inflammation Of the Peritoneum?

There are several conditions that can adversely impact the function of this membrane. The most common is peritonitis, which is an inflammation of the peritoneum.1‘Peritoneum.’ MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 12 April 2021, medlineplus.gov/peritonealdisorders.html

There are two possible forms of peritonitis, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis or secondary peritonitis.3‘Peritonitis.’ Mayo Clinic, mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/peritonitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20376247?p=1 The former may be a complication of kidney or liver disease, while the latter may be due to the rupture of an organ from abdomen.3‘Peritonitis.’ Mayo Clinic, mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/peritonitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20376247?p=1 It's also possible to develop cancer of the peritoneum.1‘Peritoneum.’ MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 12 April 2021, medlineplus.gov/peritonealdisorders.html


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