Who was Rasputin?

By jamie
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10. Death

Rasputin was very unpopular in some circles, particularly some aristocratic circles that disapproved of his influence over the Tsar. In order to deal with this, plans were made to kill him. In 1914, he was stabbed by a peasant woman but Rasputin would recover from the attack.

In 1916, he was attacked again, this time by a group of nobles. Rasputin was initially poisoned but the poison seemed to have no effect. Rasputin was then shot and the assailant drove away in a plot that would involve him wearing Rasputin’s clothes to fool people into believing he returned home that night. When they returned to Rasputin, he was still not dead and tried to flee before being shot again. He eventually succumbed to his wounds and his body was thrown into the Malaya Nevka River.


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