What Is the Oedipus Complex?

By jamie
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8. The Grifters

The grifters, produced by Martin Scorsese, is a movie about three people that are con-artists. The main character is Lilly Dillon and the other main characters are Roy, her estranged son, and Myra Langtry, Roy’s new girlfriend. After an 8-year absence, Lilly goes to see her son Roy, only to find him in pain after being attacked by somebody he attempted to scam.

She tries to encourage him to quit scamming but he refuses. Myra meets her boyfriend’s mother and the two do not get along. Noticing the tension between them, Myra accuses Roy of having an incestuous affair with his mother, and it is noticeable how the two leading female characters are competing with each other.

Oedipus Complex

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