What Is a Caliphate?

By jamie
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7. Uthmn ibn Affn

The third of the caliphs was Uthmn ibn Affn, who was a son-in-law of the prophet Mohammed. Uthman was aged around 65 years old when he was appointed to the position, making him the second oldest person to have held the position. He also held the position of Dh al-Nurayn, which translates as “The Possessor of Two Lights,” a title he held because he was married to two of Muhammeds daughters.

Under Uthmns rule, the Islamic empire grew further, expanding into what is now Afghanistan and Iran. Uthmn was also responsible for having the Quran compiled and standardized. Unrest and protests plagued Uthmns rule as caliph and he would ultimately be assassinated after an armed revolt.


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