Top 10 Richest People In The World

By jamie
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7. Warren Buffet, $82.5bn

Berkshire Hathaway is a multinational conglomerate based in Nebraska, United States. The company is the whole owner of some household brand names such as Dairy Queen and Duracell, while it also part-owns other famous companies including Apple and Coca Cola. The company was first formed in 1839 by Oliver Chace.

In 1962, Warren Buffet started buying stocks in Berkshire Hathaway, eventually taking a holding share. Over the years, Buffet started to diversify the company’s holdings, growing it into the conglomerate that exists today. With Buffet’s apparent Midas touch when it comes to making investments, he is now worth an approximate $82.5bn. He has pledged to give the vast majority of his wealth to good causes.

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