Top 10 Highest Paid Actors

By jamie
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8. Robert Downey Jr. - $66 million

Robert Downey Jr. was born in New York City. His first acting performance came when he was only 5 years old, in a movie that was directed by his father. In his younger years, Downey Jr. had considerable problems with drugs, alcohol, and legal problems, but he has remained sober since 2003.

Downey Jr. has starred in a number of successful movies, perhaps the most significant of which is his part as Tony Stark in Iron Man. He was married to producer Susan Levin in 2005, and Downey Jr. credits her with helping him to stay sober. Downey Jr. comes in at number 3 on the list of highest paid actors, with earnings of around $66 million in 2019.

Highest Paid Actors

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