What Is Acid Reflux?

By katherine
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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5. Is Acid Reflux Dangerous?

Acute episodes of acid reflux are uncomfortable but usually not harmful. When the condition becomes chronic and is left untreated, it can lead to other medical conditions that are more concerning. One possible complication is an esophageal stricture. An esophageal stricture occurs when the esophagus becomes narrow, making it difficult to swallow. Another potentially dangerous condition is called Barrett’s Esophagus. This occurs when the cells within the esophagus mutate and can be a precursor to cancer of the esophagus, though this type of cancer is rare.

Some people experience reflux that travels into the mouth or nasal passages and in rare cases this can be inhaled, causing aspiration into the lungs and an elevated risk of aspiration pneumonia. Even without the most severe complications, chronic reflux can cause diarrhea, fatigue, persistent cough, weakness and a loss of appetite, all of which can affect your quality of life.

Acid Reflux

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