10 Toxic Shock Syndrome Symptoms

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Our immune systems are usually quite good at dealing with bacteria when they get into the body. If they do manage to enter, then our bodies will defend themselves fiercely and the intruder dealt with quickly. While our immune systems are quite effective, though, they are far from impervious.

Toxic shock syndrome is a condition where a flood of a specific type of bacteria are able to make their way into the bloodstream. Once in the blood, the bacteria will release chemicals and a strong immune response will occur thus causing toxic shock.

Toxic shock syndrome can be caused by infections and can also be caused by misusing tampons. It can get rapidly worse and should be considered a medical emergency.

Symptom #1: Headache

Very few people can claim that they’ve never had a headache. It is a very common symptom that is caused by a huge variety of things. It could be down to a potentially serious condition, or it could just be down to feeling tired. Having a headache could also mean that you are suffering from toxic shock syndrome.

Because a headache is such a common symptom, it is unlikely to lead to a correct diagnosis on its own. When accompanied by other symptoms, though, it might be easier to understand what the problem is. A headache is often overlooked as not being serious, but you should speak with a doctor if it is too severe.

Toxic Shock Syndrome

Symptom #2: Fever

Pathogens and the infections they can cause are potentially very dangerous to the body. The body does not tolerate their presence and does what it can to remove them as quickly as possible. The immune system has several methods of dealing with pathogens, one of which is to raise a fever.

A fever will increase the temperature of the body beyond levels that are comfortable for unwelcome invaders. This can slow down their progress and even kill them altogether. A fever is a sign that you could be suffering from toxic shock syndrome, particularly when it comes on quite suddenly.

Symptom #3: Low Blood Pressure

When good health is being discussed, we will often focus on avoiding a high blood pressure. This is because a high blood pressure can lead to potentially severe complications such as heart disease. What is also important is to watch out for a low blood pressure. If your blood pressure does fall too low, it is a sign that you could be very ill indeed.

Low blood pressure is a classic sign of toxic shock syndrome. It is due to damage caused to the smaller blood vessels which then leads to blood leaking into the surrounding tissues of the body. Blood pressure will lower due to the decrease of fluid in the blood stream. It is a symptom that should encourage you to get medical assistance.

Toxic Shock Syndrome

Symptom #4: Aching Muscles

When we fall ill with flu, we tend to develop quite a well-known symptom that distinguishes flu from a cold—aching muscles. It can cause our whole body to ache almost as though we have been heavily exercising, even when we have been doing no such thing. It is also a symptom of toxic shock syndrome.

The aches are caused as a result of another of our body’s defense system against pathogens: chemical warfare. Our white blood cells use chemicals in the fight against invaders, and these chemicals can cause inflammation in our muscles. This inflammation results in the aches and pains that we feel when we’re sick.

Symptom #5: Red Eyes

We are able to tell quite a lot about a person’s well-being just by looking at their eyes. Indeed, a doctor can often make a diagnosis just by looking at the eyes alone, or they can at least let them know what they should be looking for. In cases where the patient’s eyes are red, it could be that they are suffering from toxic shock syndrome.

Eyes that suddenly become red is a sign of various potential causes. It can also be caused by allergens and other irritants, for example. It is often easy to overlook as not being serious, but you should also make sure to keep an eye out for other symptoms. The patient can also experience a red mouth and throat.

Toxic Shock Syndrome

Symptom #6: Rash

Rashes are fairly common. The potential causes are very varied, and their severity can also vary greatly. They can be caused by problems internally and also externally. For many people, all they need to do is come into contact with something and they will develop a rash. Sometimes, they can be a sign of something quite serious.

A rash is a sign that somebody might have toxic shock syndrome. It is caused by the toxins and chemicals flowing just beneath the skin, resulting in the rash we see on the surface. If you do spot an unexplained rash that you think might be a cause for concern, you should arrange to get it checked out.

Symptom #7: Nausea

It doesn’t take much for some people to become nauseous. Even just seeing something they find unpleasant can be enough. That’s not to say it should not always be taken seriously, though, because it can sometimes be a sign that all is not well. It can be a sign that somebody has toxic shock syndrome.

Toxic shock syndrome is caused by toxins flowing through the bloodstream. With chemicals and pathogens flowing through the body, it’s no wonder that we will feel nauseous. This is also likely to lead to vomiting. Unexplained nausea and vomiting should really be enough to encourage you to see a doctor.

Toxic Shock Syndrome

Symptom #8: Diarrhea

Diarrhea is one of those symptoms that we generally prefer other people not to know about. It can be embarrassing, and unpleasant, although it is also fairly common. It is caused when the food that we eat passes through the digestive system too quickly. This results in watery stools because there has not been sufficient time for enough liquids to be absorbed.

Fortunately, diarrhea doesn’t usually stay for long, lasting for a few days at the most. It can be a sign of something serious, though, and is a symptom of toxic shock syndrome. It is potentially dangerous for people that are particularly vulnerable.

Symptom #9: Confusion

The brain is very resource hungry and requires a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients. If this supply is to be limited in any way then the performance of the brain can begin to suffer as a result. This can happen in toxic shock syndrome, and it is a sign that you should get medical assistance as soon as possible.

It is still unclear as to exactly why infection causes confusion. One theory is that the brain will reduce it’s energy needs in order to allow the body to focus on fighting off infection. By reducing energy needs the functional output of the brain may change thus causing confusion.

Symptom #10: Seizures

The brain is responsible for, among other things, sending commands to the muscles in the body. These can be done consciously or subconsciously, but it helps us to move as we need to. If there is something wrong with the brain, though, then these signals can become mixed and seizures can occur.

There are different kinds of seizures and they will present with varying symptoms ranging from “being out of it” to full on violent muscle shaking. How the seizure presents will depend upon what is causing it to happen. Seizures may be a symptom of toxic shock syndrome and is something that should be taken very seriously.

Toxic Shock Syndrome

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