Ileus Symptoms, Causes & More

By leslie
Reviewed: dr. stavarache
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. ’Intestinal obstruction.’ Mayo Clinic.
  • 2. ’Intestinal obstruction and ileus.’ Medline Plus. www.
  • 3. Vilz T; Stoffels B; Strassburg C’Schild H; Kalff J. ‘Ileus in Adults.’ National Institutes of Health.
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Ileus Risk Factors

A common risk factor for mechanical ileus is prior abdominal surgery that causes adhesions and scars. Another is Crohn's disease, where inflammation causes thickened bowel walls. Diverticulitis that causes adhesions is an additional mechanical ileus risk factor, and the presence of a hernia may apply pressure as well.

Functional ileus risk factors include diabetes or metabolic conditions that change mineral content in the body, resulting in nerve damage. Obstruction of the blood vessels supplying the bowel may also lead to ileus.1’Intestinal obstruction.’ Mayo Clinic.


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