What Is Pickleball?

By jamie
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There are countless sports throughout the world. Many have been around for a very long time and have gradually involved into the games we know today. These older sports are often also entwined into society and even national identity. They also tend to have enormous followings nationally and/or internationally.

Other sports are much newer and have not yet become part of the fabric of society. One such sport is pickleball and, although it is not yet widespread, it is certainly increasing in popularity. Here’s a look at just what pickleball is, what you need to get involved, and who can join in.

1. What Is It?

Pickleball can be considered to be a hybrid of tennis, table tennis, and badminton. The game is played on a court with a net, and the aim is to hit the ball over the net in a way that prevents the opposition from returning it, just like with other court games. Pickleball is played on a smaller court than other court games like tennis and badminton. This means that less movement is necessary, making it suitable for more people. It is a relatively new game and it is surging in popularity, with approximately 20,000 members in the USA Pickleball Association in 2007.


2. Rules

Badminton and tennis players usually serve overarm, which helps to give them more power. In pickleball, however, players are expected to serve underarm instead. As with tennis, the player that has the serve is expected to serve from the baseline, and diagonally to the opposing service court. Another notable difference is that there is a no volley zone on either side of the net.

Points can only be scored by the team that served, and each team will retain the serve until they commit a fault. To win the game, the winning team will have to have at least 11 points and a 2-point lead over their opponents.

3. Who Can Get Involved?

One of the main factors behind the surge of popularity in pickleball is that just about anybody can get involved. As mentioned, the game is played on a smaller court than some other court games, and this means that there is less movement involved. Other factors such as serving underarm also make the game less demanding.

Anybody should be able to get involved provided that they are reasonably mobile. The game is attracting people of all ages, from the young to people in their 70s and beyond. It is also very affordable to play, meaning low income families don’t have to lose out.


4. Benefits of Playing

The most obvious benefit of playing pickleball is that it is very good exercise. It helps to exercise all muscle groups and also makes for a good cardio workout. At the same time, its gentler pace means it is suitable for older people, and also people that are not in great shape physically. Pickleball is also a lot of fun, which is another reason for its rise in popularity.

With pickleball clubs springing up around the country, it is also an opportunity to meet new people and, hopefully, make some new friends. If you are at a loose end and are wondering what to do, why not find out where your nearest pickleball club is?

5. Origins of the Game

Pickleball was born on Bainbridge Island, Washington, in 1965, and it was created by a family that was looking for something the whole family could get involved in. The sport got its quirky name after Pickles, the family dog, that would chase down the balls and then disappear into the bushes with them.

Pickleball gradually spread as it was introduced to other people but it still remained solely a casual family pastime for many years. As its popularity continued to grow, however, the sport was formalized and an official pickleball association was formed in 2005. While it has taken on a more competitive edge to some, pickleball still remains the family pastime of its origins.


6. The Ball

Hitting a tennis ball in full flight can be quite difficult, requiring considerable strength and skill to return it. A pickleball, however, is a lot lighter, making the game less demanding and open to more players. The balls used in pickleball are similar to whiffle balls, only more durable.

There are no official rules on what type of balls should be used, but some clubs may have their own preferences. It is largely a matter of personal preference, and players will often prefer some balls over others according to whether they are playing inside or out. There is also no official stand on colors, but brighter colors are usually preferred for their greater visibility.

7. The Paddle

Pickleball paddles tend to be fairly basic. They are similar to ping-pong paddles in that they have a solid and firm flat surface. It is also easy for players to turn their wrist to help them get the best possible shot. Basic pickleball paddles are made of wood and are very affordable, helping to open the game up to more players.

If you have a larger budget and/or you want to take the game more seriously, fiberglass paddles are available at a higher cost. At schools and other institutions, you are likely to find wooden paddles because of their lower cost.


8. The Court

A pickleball court is 44 feet long and 20 feet wide, which is the same size as a badminton court. As mentioned, this means that less mobile players can get involved. There is also a net that stretches from one side to the other, and the net should be 34 inches high in the center, and 36 inches high on the sides of the court.

A court should be marked with baselines and court edges that clearly define service courts. A line 7 foot either side of the court should also be marked to create a no-volley zone. This zone helps to prevent players from smashing the ball down, helping to make it the gentle but fun game that it is.

9. Other Equipment

The sport does not yet have strict regulations on what other equipment you need. Regardless, you should get some sneakers that give you a suitable grip and mobility on a hard surface. You should also be sure to wear standard sporting clothing such as shorts and T-shirts.

If you so wish, you can also purchase other equipment such as a duffel bag. You will find duffel bags available that have been designed specifically for pickleball players. You might also need chalks and tape if you are marking out your own court. Speak with your local pickleball club and they should be able to provide you with everything that you need.

10. Where to Play

Have a look online and you may be able to find a pickleball club that is not far from where you live. If not, then it should not be too difficult to find a place to make a court of your own. Bear in mind that you will need to play on a hard surface because the ball will need to be able to bounce. Pickleball is also just as popular indoors as it is outdoors.

You should be able to find a sport’s hall that can accommodate you as, after all, you won’t need a particularly large court. You might have to improvise a little on the dimensions of the court, but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying yourself.


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