What Is Sleep Apnea?

By kyle
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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7. How Is Sleep Apnea Treated?

Sleep apnea treatments depend on the underlying cause of the condition and the severity of the symptoms. The mildest cases can sometimes be corrected through simple lifestyle changes, such as getting treated for allergies, losing weight or stopping smoking. Other individuals with mild apnea may be candidates for an oral device that keeps the throat open by bringing the jaw forward. Your dentist can provide guidance for oral devices and help you get fitted for one if you want to try this method first.

Those with more moderate to severe apnea typically need to use a continuous positive airway pressure machine. A CPAP delivers air pressure that is greater than the surrounding air, reducing the chance of your airway closing and preventing apnea episodes. Some people find wearing a CPAP mask difficult, so there are many choices on the market to try for comfort reasons. For some patients, CPAP machines are distracting enough that they still continue to have difficulty sleeping. There are surgical interventions that become an option after other options have been exhausted.

Sleep Apnea

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