What Is Necrotizing Fasciitis?

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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8. Is It Necrotizing Fasciitis or Something Else?

In the early stages of the infection, necrotizing fasciitis can resemble other illnesses and diseases. One such infection is cellulitis. Both conditions stem from strains of streptococcus leeching into the skin through cracks or breaks in the tissue, and they both lead to sensitive swollen and red skin.

However, medical professionals point to a keen difference in the lethality of the infections. Doctors consider cellulitis as superficial and necrotizing fasciitis as deep and potentially life-threatening. While doctors may need to biopsy to confirm one or the other, knowing a patient’s history can provide clues into the specific likelihood of one infection over the other.

Necrotizing Fasciitis

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