What Is Dissociative Identity Disorder?

By brett
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3. Related Symptoms and Conditions

Other mental conditions are likely to occur simultaneously. These include depression, anxiety, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts, which are all common responses to living with a dissociative disorder. Some individuals become dependent on drugs or alcohol or develop eating disorders. Relationships at home and work usually suffer, and daily functioning in society can become difficult.

Those who are aware of switching between identities report feeling exhausted from trying to keep one or more of them from taking control of their consciousness. Some experience distortions in body image, feeling that different parts of their bodies are perhaps different sizes or ages. While some have no memory of the trauma, others have flashbacks that they experience as vividly as if they were occurring in the present moment. Nightmares and other sleep disturbances are common.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

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