What Is Cubital Tunnel Syndrome?

By katherine
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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3. Causes

There is little in the way of soft tissue at the elbow to protect or cushion the ulnar nerve. It is very close to the skin surface, making it vulnerable to pressure that is frequent or prolonged. The ulnar nerve can also become irritated if it snaps back and forth across the bone as the elbow moves.

Keeping the arm bent causes the ulnar nerve to stretch across the surface of the bony projection at the elbow. This can put pressure on the nerve and result in ulnar neuropathy. Some people experience symptoms at night because they sleep with their elbows bent and the nerve gets stretched for six to eight hours out of every 24. Sometimes, however, it is impossible to determine exactly what is causing cubital tunnel syndrome.

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

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