What Is Cat Scratch Fever?

By james
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5. CSD Complications: People

Difficulties from CSD in people, as in cats, are a very seldom occurrence. There are, however, a few concerns. The issues arise when the bacteria spread to the eyes, bones or heart. Children between the ages of 5 and 14, as well as those with compromised immune systems, are most at risk for complications.

When B. Henselae spreads to the eyes, it can cause inflammation in the optic nerve or retina, or it can lead to an infection similar to pink eye. In either case, antibiotics resolve the issue. Osteomyelitis occurs when the infection gets into the bone, causing damage that is sometimes severe enough to require amputation. Infection that travels to the brain can result in encephalopathy, which can lead to permanent brain damage or death.

Cat Scratch Fever

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