10 Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer
Symptom #7: The Need to Swallow
In some patients with thyroid cancer, the nodule causes the patient to feel the “need to swallow” as it feels as if there is constantly something in the throat. Most patients with this symptom often are not able to feel a nodule on the front of their neck as the nodule is growing on the back side of the throat. So, if you notice that you constantly feel the urge to swallow of clear your throat, it may be an indication that there is a thyroid nodule growing on the back of they thyroid gland.
To confirm the diagnosis, a thyroid ultrasound will be required to determine the size and location of the nodule. A fine needle aspiration biopsy will then be necessary to evaluate the nature (benign or malignant) of the nodule. Medical imaging may also be necessary to evaluate the extent of the disease.