Scabies Symptoms & Treatments

By jolene
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Symptom #4: Thick Crusts

Crusts can form when an individual develops a more severe type of scabies known as crusted scabies, or Norwegian scabies. This occurs when there are so many mites that burrow under the skin causing the rash and itchy to be much more severe compared to normal cases.

This usually affects those with a compromised or suppressed immune system such as the elderly, individuals with cancer, or on immunosuppressive medications (transplant patients, etcetera).

In these individuals, the weaker immune system allows a better breeding ground for the mites causing it to be widespread (sparing the face). Since the number of mites are higher in these patients, they are also much more contagious to other people. The eradication of these mites can be problematic as the crusts protects the mites from topical medication that usually kills it.


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