10 Muscular Dystrophy Symptoms
Symptom #3: Difficulty Running & Jumping
Almost all muscles in your legs are activated when you’re running, jumping, or doing some other activities. While moving legs forward, you are mainly using quadriceps muscles that are located at the front of the thighs. Quads bend the hip and straighten and stabilize the knee to allow shock absorption while your feet are landing onto the ground. Hamstrings, located at the back of your thigh, activate as your body moves forward. They straighten the hip and start bending your knee.
Muscles located in lower legs also activate to flex and extend your feet. That being said, in children and adults with muscular dystrophy weakened muscles don’t allow the freedom of movement. In some cases, this symptom comes and goes which is why it is ignored at first. For example, one moment your child usually runs but later he (or she) struggles. Experiencing difficulty with running, jumping, or climbing is one of the first symptoms of muscular dystrophy, but it’s easy to mistake it for some other problem such as tiredness, not being skilled enough.