10 Meniere's Disease Symptoms

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #7: Headache

Although there are many causes of headaches including diet and lifestyle, a headache can also be a sign of Meniere’s disease. Severe headaches and migraines should, therefore, not be overlooked.

Migraines themselves can effect the inner ear. If a patient with a migraine got Meniere’s disease too, the latter will exaggerate the condition of both the migraine and inner ear damage. There are some pieces of evidence that suggest that migraines are behind all the problems that happen in the inner ear. But these suggestions need more studies to support them. If besides a headache you also experience loss of balance, vertigo, and tinnitus then you should get a checkup as soon as possible to avoid further damage in the inner ear.

Meniere's Disease

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