Jock Itch Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Jock Itch Remedy #1: Shower after Working Out

It is best to prevent jock itch before it happens. To do this, take a shower immediately after working out or engaging in physical activity. Showering washes away the sweat, dirt, and most of the microorganisms on the skin. After showering, dry the body with a clean towel and make sure to wipe off moisture from the crotch.

Additionally, avoid sharing towels and other garments. Instead, wear clean, loose cotton clothing (particularly undergarments) and use clean towels before and after working out. Another way to prevent jock itch is to put on socks ahead of the undergarments. This will ensure that fungus isn’t transferred from the feet to the crotch area. Jock itch can also be treated at home by soaking in a bathtub of water containing one-quarter cup of bleach. Afterward, dry the area and all skin folds with a clean towel.

Jock Itch

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