10 Gastric Ulcer Symptoms

By nigel
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Symptom #7: Bloody Stool

People with serious ulcers may experience a bit of blood in their stool or their vomit When visible blood is present in patients’ stool, it can be indicative of a hemorrhage in the lower digestive system. However, if it has a dark, blackish color it is clinically referred to as melena, and usually indicative of a hemorrhage in the upper digestive system (i.e. peptic ulcers). This color and characteristic strong odor are caused by the alteration of hemoglobin in the blood by digestive enzymes and intestinal bacteria. PUD melena may be intermittent over various days or multiple episodes in a day.

Peptic ulcer disease is one of the most common causes of melena. If your stools are dark or entirely black, this may indicate blood in the stool.

Gastric Ulcer

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