10 BPH Symptoms

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Symptom #5: Pain

Urinating is usually a fairly seamless affair. It usually only takes a couple of minutes or so and is achieved with very little effort. It is also generally very painless, thankfully, but not everybody is able to say the same. People with BPH will sometimes find that even just urinating can be a painful affair.

The pain can make people understandably reluctant to go to the bathroom but it is, unfortunately, unavoidable. Pain is not a very common symptom of BPH, but it can manifest when a patient with a full bladder is unable to start urinating spontaneously and needs to push in order to relieve themselves. Other conditions may cause pain during urination more frequently than BPH, so if you are experiencing this symptom, you should seek medical attention to assess the situation.


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