What Is Autism?

By jolene
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3. Statistics

The reported rates of ASD have increased in various countries in the last 20 years. It is still unclear if these rates are due to an actual increase or improved diagnostics and awareness among both the general public and medical professionals. In the United States, the estimated prevalence of autism is about 1 in 40 children (2.5%), which is equivalent to 1.5 million children between the ages of 3 to 17 years old.

This is a significant increase from 2007 where it was reported to be 11 in 1,000 children. Global prevalence based on a review of epidemiological studies estimates ASD to be 7.6 cases per 100. Studies in Japan have reported much higher rates, which were thought to be due to careful evaluations that may be overlooked in other countries. Some have also postulated that it may be due to the gastrointestinal issues and infection due to the higher consumption of seafood characteristic of the Japanese diet. ASD is more common in boys compared to girls.


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