What Is a Kidney Cyst?

By adam
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Mayo Clinic, Kidney cysts. mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions-kidney-cysts/symptoms-causes/syc-20374134.
  • 2. N. Terada, Y. Arai, N. Kinukawa, K. Yoshimura and A. Terai. Risk factors for renal cysts. BJU International Journals (2004).
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2. Risk Factors

There are several different factors that can increase your risk of developing a kidney cyst.2N. Terada, Y. Arai, N. Kinukawa, K. Yoshimura and A. Terai. Risk factors for renal cysts. BJU International Journals (2004). They include age (those over 50 are more likely to experience kidney cysts), gender, renal dysfunction, and hypertension.

Males are more likely than females to experience kidney cysts, and existing renal dysfunction is also a notable risk factor. Renal dysfunction is also referred to as renal failure, and it occurs when the kidneys lose their ability to balance fluids in the body and remove waste. Hypertension may cause renal dysfunction, which can in turn lead to kidney cyst development.

Kidney Cyst

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