What Are the Signs of Lupus?

By amara
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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5. Joint and Tendon Pain

Joints and ligaments connect bone to bone, and tendons connect bone to muscle. Pain in any of these structures, especially pain that comes and goes, is a sign of lupus. Lupus arthritis causes inflammation in joints of the limbs, causing them to swell and become stiff, painful, and warm to the touch. Pain is generally more severe in the morning than at night and affects both sides of the body equally.

Pain in a tendon or its associated bursa (sacs of lubricating synovial fluid) is known as tendinitis or bursitis, respectively, and can be caused by damage to a joint. Carpal tunnel syndrome, also caused by inflammation, can be a side effect that results in numbness and tingling of the hands.


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