What Are Gallbladder Stones?

By amara
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Gabriel E Njeze. Gallstones. Nigerian Journal of Surgery 2013 Jul-Dec; 19(2): 4-55.
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2. Risk Factors

Risk factors for gallstones include high biliary protein and lipid concentrations.1Gabriel E Njeze. Gallstones. Nigerian Journal of Surgery 2013 Jul-Dec; 19(2): 4-55. Other risk factors include having diabetes mellitus, being female and having a family history of gallstones. You’re also at higher risk of developing the condition if you are of Mexican-American or Native American descent.

Lifestyle risk factors include having rapid weight loss in a short time period, eating a diet that’s low in fiber and high in cholesterol or fat, and being overweight or obese. People with cirrhosis or who are taking certain medications for lowering cholesterol are also at higher risk.

Gallbladder Stones

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