10 Spinal Stenosis Symptoms

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #3: Neck Pain

In patients with cervical stenosis, or stenosis in the region of the neck, neck pain is a common symptom. This occurs as the spinal canal (where the spinal cord is) or spinal foramen (where the nerve comes out of) becomes narrower by calcium deposits or arthritis. Bone spurs can also develop additional pressure leading to pain in the neck and its surrounding areas such as the upper back, shoulders, and sometimes may even radiate down the arm.

Cervical stenosis can be debilitating as there is a high amount of nerves passing through the neck. Patients have described the pain as tingling, numbing, pins and needles, and sometimes in severe cases, feels as if it is burning.

Spinal Stenosis

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