10 Side Effects of Fish Oil

By nigel
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With all the popularity surrounding fish oil in recent years, many people have begun to consider it a wonder supplement. In many ways it is – it can help improve cognitive function, enhance immunity, improve digestion, and generally improve your well-being.

This is because of the high amount of omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil. These essential oils are heavily involved in a number of our body’s processes. However, just as with any supplement, it’s important to be aware of the potential downsides before beginning to use them abundantly. Fish oil is actually known to cause some side effects when it’s used at high doses or for too long.

Today we’re going to outline the most common side effects associated with fish oil. If you’re experiencing any of these then you should stop taking fish oil, or at least reduce your dosage, and speak to a naturalist or a doctor before continuing to use it.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Side Effect #1: Elevated Blood Sugar

There has been some research that has shown that omega-3 fatty acids are known to increase levels of blood sugar. This is especially true for people who are suffering from diabetes. One particular study revealed that taking doses of 8 grams daily can increase blood sugar as much as 22% in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes.

This is quite a large dose, but one that some people feel is appropriate for medicinal benefit. Omega-3 fatty acids cause the body to produce more glucose. In people who have problems producing insulin, like diabetics, this can cause blood sugar spikes.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Side Effect #2: Bleeding

Excessive consumption of fish oil can lead to bleeding, generally in the gums or the nose. This is because fish oil can prevent the body from blood clotting.

Many people associate blood clotting with heart attacks, but it’s actually a necessary part of our health. If our blood didn’t clot, then we wouldn’t be able to heal after we get a wound. Therefore, by preventing our blood from clotting properly, fish oil can actually cause us to bleed.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Side Effect #3: Low Blood Pressure

Fish oil is often used medicinally to lower blood pressure. However, people who don’t intend to lower their blood pressure might find this side effect unpleasant. Low blood pressure can lead to dizziness, lack of coordination, and light-headedness.

Lowering blood pressure can be great for people who are already suffering from high blood pressure. However, people who have chronic low blood pressure may find this exacerbates their condition and should be careful when using fish oil.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Side Effect #4: Diarrhea

Diarrhea is one of the more commonly associated side effects of fish oil. It is much more common when you’re using higher doses of fish oil.

It’s not just fish oil that can cause diarrhea, though. Any type of omega-3 fatty acids can cause diarrhea, from flax oil to hemp oil. One of the easiest ways to avoid getting diarrhea is to take your fish oil with a meal. If this doesn’t work, decrease your dose, and make sure that you eat a lot of fibre.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Side Effect #5: Acid Reflux

Fish oil is well-known for improving the health of your heart, but there’s always a flipside to the coin. It’s also known to cause heartburn, which can be extremely uncomfortable depending on its severity.

You can usually avoid getting heartburn by taking your fish oil supplements with your meal. You can also try using an antacid supplement to help fight heartburn. Baking soda is another simple way that you can get rid of acid reflux – just take a half-teaspoon with your fish oil and the acidity of your stomach will be greatly reduced.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Side Effect #6: Strokes

Strokes are one of the most serious reactions that a person could possibly have to fish oil. They generally don’t occur unless that you’re taking extremely high doses of fish oil. A stroke is a hemorrhage in the brain, which is a burst blood vessel. These can be caused when blood vessels grow weak.

Because of the way that omega-3 fatty acids prevent blood from clotting as quickly, they can actually increase the risk of having a stroke. This is more likely to occur in people who already have low blood pressure.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Side Effect #7: Weight Gain

Fish oil is known to help people lose weight, but only when it’s taken in mild-to-moderate doses. It has been shown to be a great addition to an exercise routine and can actually speed up the rate at which the body burns fat.

Taking high doses for an extended period, however, can actually have an adverse effect on a person’s weight. This is because fish oil is, well, fat. Taking too much of any type of fat will cause your body to hold on to some of it. It’s also very high in calories and if you’re not exercising, it can cause you to stack on the pounds.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Side Effect #8: Vitamin A Overdose

Some types of fish oil come with vitamin A included because the two nutrients work well together. However, it’s important to regulate your doses of fish oil if you’re taking a fish oil supplement that is high in vitamin A, like cod liver oil which contains 270% of your daily dose of vitamin A in a single dose.

Vitamin A toxicity can cause a number of problems, like dizziness, nausea, and joint pain. The dizziness can be compounded if you have low blood pressure and this can cause a number of problems.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Side Effect #9: Insomnia

Another problem that’s often associated with fish oil is insomnia. This is interesting because fish oil is generally associated with increasing the quality of sleep.

However, this is with moderate doses. Higher doses are actually known to interfere with the quality of sleep and can keep you awake. If you take too much and do fall asleep, you will probably not be as well rested in the morning.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Side Effect #10: Allergies

Fish oil supplements can cause allergic reactions, just like any other supplements. Allergic symptoms can include rashes, runny nose, intestinal upset, and respiratory problems.

If you notice any symptoms of allergies emerging, then you should stop taking fish oil supplements and switch to a different source of omega-3 acids.

Fish Oil

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