10 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Symptoms

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #2: Characteristic Facial Features

Individuals with fetal alcohol syndrome have very characteristic facial features. The list includes short palpebral fissures, a long smooth philtrum, and a thin upper lip.

Other possible findings include ptosis of the eyelids, flat midface, upturned nose, flat nasal bridge, presence of epicanthal folds (skin fold where the upper eyelid covers the inner corner of the eye), clinodactyly (the curvature of a digit most commonly the little finger toward the fourth finger), “hockey stick” palmar creases, camptodactyly (permanently bent fingers usually involving the fifth finger), hirsutism, cardiac defects, and underdeveloped ears.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

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